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This website is not affiliated in any way with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, her agents, or anyone acting on her behalf in any way. This website is not affiliated with any political party, PAC, Government Agency of any county, or organization of any kind. Really it's just one guy who builds websites for a living that had a crazy idea that wouldn't go away.
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Parody Websites and Copyright is a parody website that uses satire, irony, and humor to bring a bit of comedy in these dark and troubled political times. A parody website is protected under Copyright fair use laws and is a long-standing tradition in journalism. Specifically this website is claiming “Fair Use” as is covered in US Code Copyright Act Section 107. Parody materials created produced and displayed on this website have undergone a transformative process and have added a completely new expression and meaning to the work, and are an entirely new product that does not supplant the original work or it’s value. For further demonstration of a parody as a fair use cases see Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. (Pretty Woman Parody Case), Leibovitz v. Paramount Pictures Corp. (Naked Gun Case) and Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. v. Penguin Books U.S.A., Inc. (Cat in the Hat Case).
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This is a satire and parody website, and opinion and satire are protected under The First Amendment. Satire is not Defamation see DC Circuit Court Knows Satire(News), Farah and Corsi v Esquire(Legal), and Hustler v Fallwell (Cornell Law).
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This is a non-profit website and all materials on this site are for entertainment purposes only. No monetary, cash-in-kind, cryptocurrency, or payments of goods or services of any kind are accepted to produce and/or maintain this website. This website generates absolutely no profits or revenue of any kind.
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