We think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of the most interesting, energetic, and charismatic people in the Democratic Party. That said we think a lot of her policies completely lack fiscal responsibility and demonstrate flagrant disregard for the concept of living within a budget. So while we would never vote for her, we are big fans none the less.
This is a parody website and it’s main purpose is to be funny and make people laugh. We welcome anyone who wants to to create and submit a meme. If your meme is funny we’ll approve it and publish it on our website. If your meme is slanderous, libelous, illegal, pornographic, or mean spirited it’s going to get deleted. All memes are moderated so you’re the only one who can see it until it’s approved. We usually check for new memes every 2-3 days, this is a side gig that generates no revenue, so there is no budget for a staff to speed things up. If your meme makes you “THAT GUY” we’re probably going to delete it as well. Being “THAT GUY” is a loosely defined concept, but we all know him when we meet him, and if you have to ask yourself if you’re being “THAT GUY” you probably are.
This is a satire and parody website, and opinion and satire are protected under The First Amendment. Satire is not Defamation see DC Circuit Court Knows Satire(News), Farah and Corsi v Esquire(Legal), and Hustler v Fallwell (Cornell Law).
This website is not affiliated in any way with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, her agents, or anyone acting on her behalf in any way. This website is not affiliated with any political party, PAC, Government Agency of any county, or organization of any kind. Really it's just one guy who builds websites for a living that had a crazy idea that wouldn't go away.
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We’re Not Russian
Since we’ve been mentioned in the press a few times and some allegations have been made we want to set the record straight on a few things that have been said:
We’re Not Russian: We’re not Russian, yes I know that’s exactly what a Russian would say, but it’s the truth. Not only are we not Russian, but we’re probably more American than you are. We have ancestors who came to this country in the 1700s and served in the Revolutionary War. He was an officer if you’re really curious. He also engaged in quite a few skirmishes with Native American tribes in the area near the Monongahelia River in what’s West Virginia today. There are several signs marking his battles.
This Is A Non-profit Website: This website generates zero income and operates at a complete loss. I’ve been building websites for a long time and know how to do things quickly and cheaply. No one is paying me to create and/or maintain this website. My legal advisor said I should state this: No monetary, cryptocurrency, or cash-in-kind payments of goods or services of any kind were accepted or promised in exchange to produce any content or to maintain this website.
Are The Russians Providing You With Content: This website does accept user generated content. All of that content is moderated before being published.Approximately 85% of that content is rejected for any number of reasons. About 10% of that content is re-edited for spelling, grammar, or to make it funnier. About 5% of the user generated content gets published as submitted. Currently, less than 1% of this websites traffic comes from Russia. It is possible someone is using a VPN to conceal their true location, but I don’t have the time to investigate more closely.
We Don’t Give Interviews: Sorry but we don’t give interviews of any kind. We aren’t interested in appearing on your podcast or your YouTube Channel either. Yes, I know you’ll promise to keep our identities a secret, and never reveal it to anyone, but to be completely honest we don’t trust you. They promised Ricky Vaughn they would keep his identity a secret to get him to appear in a documentary. Two years later the person who made that promise gave away his identity to The Huffington Post. I’m not interested in repeating that mistake.